SKF-China supports you

the Kung Fu China team

the Kung Fu China team


A volunteer team to support you

Originally created by Odile Zhang and Shi Miaohai (Zhang Qian) in 2015, the KungFu China association has seen its team gradually grow, so that it can respond to ever-increasing requests and be able to radiate beyond French-speaking borders. Team members use their free time to contribute their skills to the association. If you’d like to find out more about the association’s members, take a look at the page dedicated to them.



Cher-e-s visiteurs, vous êtes nombreus-e-s à nous solliciter pour votre projet de partir en Chine apprendre le Kung Fu. En raison de la crise sanitaire, l’école de Maître Zhang (Shi Miao Hai) est temporairement fermée. Comme vous, nous espérons que la situation reviendra rapidement à la normale, sans savoir quand. Vous serez informés de la réouverture de l’école via notre page facebook.


Dear visitors, many of you are asking us for your project to go to China to learn Kung Fu. Due to the health crisis, Master Zhang’s (Shi Miao Hai) school is temporarily closed. Like you, we hope that the situation will return to normal quickly, without knowing when. You will be informed of the reopening of the school via our facebook page.