Stage Kung Fu Chine - information importante en savoir plus

Frequently Asked Questions

We developed this Frequently Asked Questions based on our 10 years of experience, during which the association Stage Kung-Fu Chine sent no less than 400 students to the Fawang temple and already dozens of students in the new school of Shi Miao Hai which was created at the end of 2018. We hope you will find answers to your main concerns here. Most answers contain a link to a specific section of the site, so be sure to follow the link for an even more in-depth answer. If despite your research you will not find the answer to your question, please contact us via this form or start a chat on Facebook Messenger.

It is important to know that even a good Kung Fu practitioner abroad becomes a beginner student in China. Having no basis can make it possible to assimilate faster and better, because one will not be disturbed by our martial past; and correcting bad habits sometimes takes longer than to relearn everything. On the other hand, you need a minimum of fitness, motivation and love Chinese culture to be able to progress quickly. In addition, you can start to initiate yourself to the basic movements, Taolus, Qi Gong … thanks to the video tutorials at the end of each page of the Kung Fu Disciplines section as well as on the Youtube channel of the association Stage Kungfu China.

First of all, you need a passport that is still valid 6 months before the departure date, and with two blank pages available face to face. Then a visa for China, which will be glued in the passport by the Chinese consulate. Once your registration is validated, the SKF-Chine association will send you the necessary documents to obtain your VISA (the invitation letter and accommodation certificate). More information on the Travel to China – Procedures section of this site.

On the contrary, age is not an obstacle to our dreams ! Obviously, you will probably not learn the back flip at 60 years, however know that the training program is adjustable according to your fitness. Also note that we have already seen people in their fifties with better training than 20 year olds … the main one being not age, but motivation, and good physical condition.

Depending on the period of the year, space is limited, so I would advise you to register quickly. Do not hesitate to contact the association for more information or advice on your project. The consulate accepts visa applications from 3 months before departure for China.

The schedule varies depending on the season, but the contents of the lessons remain the same. First training of the day begins at sunrise (5:30 in summer), followed by breakfast and cleaning. Second training in the morning is from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, twice a week this course is replaced by lessons in Mandarin and calligraphy. The afternoon nap is followed by three hours of kung fu. The evenings are free, we can rest as well as train. Find the schedule of activities of the school kung fu.

I especially advise the months of April – May – June and September – October, the temperatures are ideal, and there are not too many foreign students. For those seeking tranquility, it is best to avoid the busy summer period (July – August).

The lessons are not adapted to children, but to adults and adolescents. It requires a great autonomy and a good ability to adapt to enjoy the stay. The school accepts foreign students from the age of 12, provided they are accompanied, motivated and passionate about martial arts and Chinese culture.

In the early days, this will not be obvious, given that this is an unknown environment and a language incomprehensible to most foreign students. The instructors and the students are used to being understood by other ways, by gestures, mimes, photos, translation and it often ends with giggles. It is by overcoming this language barrier that the first strong bonds are created between foreigners and Chinese on the spot. There is always a solution to be understood, and if necessary the association Stage Kung-fu Chine can help you with a long distance translation.

The school provides a training outfit, a pair of sport shoes (feiyue type), washing powder, a toiletry kit as well as a bowl kit, chopsticks and a cup for meals. If you have back or knee problems, we recommend you to take your own sneakers with a good sole, this will limit the feeling of shocks, during jumps for example. Also include some training T-shirts, one or two city outfits for the weekend, medicines against diarrhea, plasters and some books to occupy you during the free time.

There are several ways to join the school depending on your financial means. The easiest way is for a driver to pick you up directly from the airport, the price of the race is charged at 300 yuan, the journey takes about 1h30. You can also take a 50 yuan bus directly to Dengfeng, one of the instructors will be waiting for you at the final stop. For more information, see the Visa & transport section of this website.

The answer depends on the type of injury; in any case, you must speak to the instructors immediately, or if it is too specific, contact the association to translate to the masters, they have all our contacts. The instructors always call on a doctor of Chinese medicine for all matters relating to pain, blockage, sprains, strains, etc. For other problems, the students are taken directly to the hospital for appropriate treatment. Also remember to take medication against diarrhea, ointment against mosquito bites etc…. Also, don’t forget to check with your health insurance fund for everything concerning the terms and costs associated with possible repatriation to your country of origin.

China censors access to Google services (Gmail, Youtube, etc…), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… to get around this ban you can download a VPN application on mobiles and computers. There are fairly reliable paid and free ones. In China everyone uses the ‘wechat’ mobile application, it is very useful to keep in touch with family and friends, but also to chat directly with the instructors and students of the school, there is also a system translation directly integrated into conversations. More information in the Useful Informations section.