Stage Kung Fu Chine - information importante en savoir plus

Master Zhang

School Director and co-founder of the association
shi miaohai

His background

Zhang Qian, whose Buddhist name is ‘Shi Miao Hai’ (36th-generation Shaolin Kung Fu Instructor), was born in Jining, Shandong province, China. A specialist in traditional Shaolin Kung-fu and Sanda, he began learning Kung fu at an early age in his native province. In 1996, at the age of 8, he began learning kung-fu, and at 10 joined the Fawang temple for intensive training. From 2000 to 2004, he took part in numerous regional and national competitions, and has lost count of the number of times he finished first (traditional bare-hand taos, stick, sabre…) From 2005 to 2008, Shi Miao Hai toured the world, in France, Italy, Greece, Spain… to promote cultural exchange and the teaching of Chinese martial arts. Since his return to China in 2008, he has remained at the Fawang temple to pass on his knowledge.

Shi Miao Hai and the beginnings of the association

In 2014, he opened the Stage Kungfu Chine association with Odile Zhang to help and guide foreign practitioners more easily, and over 300 French, Belgian, Swiss and Canadian enthusiasts have followed his teaching in China over the past 4 years.

In early 2018, after 20 years of temple life, he decided to open his own school in Dengfeng. In China today, kung fu has become a real business for both Chinese and foreigners. Many children can’t get a good education because they can’t afford it. The aim of his school is to help children in need by giving them the chance to live out their passion for kung fu, adapted to each family’s situation.

Miao hai is a special kind of instructor, a kind-hearted person who always has a smile on his face and teaches with passion. Whatever your age or level, if you have the motivation and perseverance to learn, he’ll teach you the same way he teaches his Chinese students…it’s his way of respecting you.

His Kung Fu specialities

  • Bare-hand Shaolin form: Qi Xing Quan – Tai zu chang Quan, Xin Yi Quan.
  • Form with weapons: Halberd – sabre – double sabre.
  • Qigong: Health Qi Gong – Hard Qi Gong.
  • Combat: Sanda – Chinese wrestling – Qinna.