Stage Kung Fu Chine - information importante en savoir plus
SKF-China guides you

association Kung Fu China Training

about the association


Created in early 2015 by Odile Zhang and Shi Miaohai, the Stage KungFu Chine association’s mission is to bridge the gap between China and foreign students wishing to explore Chinese martial arts. Travel to China for a martial trip is, for many, like a leap into the great void: we don’t always know where to start, or who to trust … And it’s because it is composed of passionate volunteers that the Stage KungFu Chine association does its best to share with you all the information, with this website and social networks, in order to support your project, to guide you, to answer your questions and to facilitate your exchanges with instructors in China, in order to make your Kung Fu experience in China as the best it can be.

The SKF-China association team


A volunteer team to support you


United by the same passion, the team members of the Stage Kung Fu Chine work voluntarily for the association’s development, the goal is to make its mission both known and understood by those who wish to go to China to discover Kung Fu and its culture.

Support the association


The law 1901 association Stage Kung-Fu Chine is entirely voluntary and only lives thanks to memberships and donations. In addition to accompanying foreign students on their Kung Fu trip in China, the association supports the school by contributing to the course registration cost of some very poor Chinese students, collected by Shi Miao Hai. If you want to help SKF-Chine in its missions, don’t hesitate to donate!