INFO : Stage Kung Fu Chine devient Goku Panda. En savoir plus
Chinese Martial Arts

shaolin kung fu

learn chinese martial arts

少林功夫- 传统训练

Methods of learning and the environment

The practice sessions of Shaolin Kung Fu are always outside, except for meditation and Qi Gong which may, occasionally, be inside. Most of the time we practice the martial arts on the path in front of the school, but places may change depending on wishes of the instructor; the school is surrounded by the mountains space is not hard to find. The training sessions ofen involve warming-up methods, such as climbing up the mountain instead of running, keeping a wall handstand instead of pushups, going down rock sections rapidly so on to work on balance instead of basic exercises.

typical training

  • Warm up of articulations
  • Running at our own speed
  • Fast Running
  • Stretching
  • Cardio work
  • Position work and basic sequences
  • Kicking and punching work
  • Taolu work alone or in group
  • Acrobatic work (wheel, jumps, carp jump, salto, etc.)
  • Abs and push ups
  • Back to calm

Education adapted to all levels

There are always fields where we will be less capable, for some it will be stretching, for others the cardio, and it is precisely because for this reason that we will have to take more time to fill our blanks. It is a real opportunity to be able to follow the teaching of great instructors in China, so we must not be afraid of not getting there. For whatever our level, we are all students, and our only failure would be to try not to surpass ourselves.

This kind of experience brings us a lot mentally and physically. Thanks to the courage that we develop during training, we build qualities, such as self-confidence, that are very useful to us when we return to our active life. The most important thing is not to remember all the movements we have learned, because without practice we forget everything… The most important thing is how the school, the environment, the students and the instructors allow us to become a better version of ourselves, thanks to the actions and gestures, the notions of sharing, mutual aid, perseverance, and all life’s lessons that make us better. .

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