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Chinese Martial Arts

Shaolin qinna

The work of the qinna


The art of grabs and keys

Qinna means the art of grab control and lock the opponent, it brings together pressure techniques that immobilize the opponent through joint, tendon or muscle control. It only takes very little force to be able to use this kind of technique, but it requires rigorous practice. The advantage of Qinna techniques is to be able to incapacitate the opponent without violence and without injuring him, which is why today all the police forces, whether in the West or in the East, use it in their defense training. Everyone is capable of practicing and using this kind of technique, whether it is children, women or even the elderly, success does not come through force, but through rigorous learning.

At Zhang Qian School, students learn joint and muscle control techniques that can be used in self-defense in most of situations. We learn only one or two techniques per attack, the goal being to learn them quickly, assimilate them and practice them until it becomes natural. If you are very interested in learning Qinna, please consider to request it from the instructors to learn more.

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